Expression of benthic isotope effects associated with nitrogen elimination and regeneration in lacustrine sediments

01.10.2020 – 30.09.2024


Scientific abstract

In many ocean regions, as a limiting nutrient, bioavailable nitrogen (N) controls marine primary productivity and thus the ocean’s capacity to fix and sequester atmospheric CO2 in its interior. In many lakes, N from both natural and anthropogenic sources is an important driver of lacustrine eutrophication. Therefore, both in the ocean and in lakes, it is crucial to understand the sources and sinks of fixed N. Denitrificatio...



  • Moritz Lehmann, Departement Umweltwissenschaften Universität Basel, Switzerland


Project partners

  • Claudia Frey, Departement Umweltwissenschaften Universität Basel, Switzerland
  • Jens Kallmeyer, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Germany
  • Peter Reichert
  • Bo Thamdrup, Department of Biology University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • Scott Wankel, Dept. of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, United States of America
  • Jakob Zopfi, Institut für Umweltgeowissenschaften Universität Basel, Switzerland

Disciplines and keywords

mySNF disciplines (provided by researchers): Hydrology, Limnology, Glaciology, Oceanography, Geochemistry, Other disciplines of Earth Sciences, Experimental Microbiology, Environmental Research, Ecology
Fields of research (mapped from mySNF Disciplines): Hydrology, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Ecology, Microbiology, Geochemistry, Oceanography
Keywords: Lake Lugano, benthic fluxes, sediment water exchange, nitrate , isotope effects, microbial community structures, nitrous oxide, Skagerrak, isotope fractionation, nitrogen cycle, lakes, nitrite, porewater, anammox, denitrification, diagenetic model, nitrogen stable isotopes, sediments


Grant number
Funding scheme
Project funding
Project funding in Mathematics, Natural sciences and Engineering (division II) 2019 April
Approved amount
833,406 CHF
Research institution
University of Basel - BS
Institut für Umweltgeowissenschaften Universität Basel