Post Car World

01.12.2013 – 30.11.2017


Scientific abstract

The goal of this project is to explore the future of mobility through the role of the car. The main originality of this research is to raise the following problem: ‘What, if the world were a post-car world’. The basic idea is to define a hypothetical situation where the place of the car would have been dramatically reduced and to use qualitative and quantitative simulation methods to examine the consequences of this initial...



  • Jacques Lévy, Laboratoire Chôros EPFL ENAC IA LAC, Switzerland
  • Kay W. Axhausen, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • Michel Bierlaire, Laboratoire transport et mobilité EPFL - ENAC - INTER - TRANSP-OR, Switzerland
  • Elena Cogato Lanza, Laboratoire d'Urbanisme EPFL - ENAC - IA - Lab-U, Switzerland
  • Vincent Kaufmann, Laboratory of Urban Sociology (LASUR) Institute of Architecture Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Rico Maggi, Istituto di ricerche economiche (IRE) Facoltà di scienze economiche, Switzerland


Disciplines and keywords

mySNF disciplines (provided by researchers): Social geography and ecology, Sociology, Economics, Architecture and Social urban science, Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Information Technology
Fields of research (mapped from mySNF Disciplines): Human Society, Built Environment and Design, Economics, Human Society, Information and Computing Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Civil engineering
Keywords: Space, Mobility, Transportation systems, Post-car world


Grant number
Funding scheme
Sinergia 2013
Approved amount
2,217,295 CHF
Research institution
EPF Lausanne - EPFL
Laboratoire Chôros INTER-ENAC EPFL