Autonomic Function and Cardiovascular Risk in Restless Legs Syndrome - the AUTO-REST Study

01.06.2013 – 31.12.2015


Scientific abstract

Background: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is one of the most frequent neurological disorders, a sleep-related movement disorder, affecting 3 to 10% of the general population in various degrees of severity. The majority of RLS patients present with insomnia, and around 90% of them with periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMS). PLMS are repetitive, stereotyped leg jerks which arise from sleep. Many hundreds of such leg movem...



  • Mauro Manconi, Sleep Medicine Unit Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC) Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Switzerland
  • Angelo Auricchio, Cardiocentro Ticino Institute, EOC, Switzerland
  • Claudio Bassetti, Department of Neurology University of Bern, Switzerland


Disciplines and keywords

mySNF disciplines (provided by researchers): Neurology, Psychiatry, Cardiovascular Diseases
Fields of research (mapped from mySNF Disciplines): Neurosciences, Cardiovascular medicine and haematology
Keywords: Restless Legs Syndrome, Periodic leg movements during sleep, Autonomic nervous system, Cardiovascular disorders, Animal model

Scientific publications

A Data-Driven Analysis of the Rules Defining Bilateral Leg Movements during sleep

Ferri, Raffaele, ; Manconi, Mauro, ; Rundo, Francesco, ; Zucconi, Marco, ; Bruni, Oliviero, ; Arico', Debora, ; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi, ; Fulda, Stephany,
A Data-Driven Analysis of the Rules Defining Bilateral Leg Movements during sleep. In Sleep, 39(2), 413–421.

An Evidence-based Analysis of the Association between Periodic Leg during Sleep and Arousal in Restless Legs Syndrome

Ferri, Raffaele, ; Rundo, Francesco, ; Zucconi, Marco, ; Manconi, Mauro, ; Bruni, Oliviero, ; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi, ; Fulda, Stephany,
An Evidence-based Analysis of the Association between Periodic Leg during Sleep and Arousal in Restless Legs Syndrome. In Sleep, 38(6), 919–924.

Physiological time structure of the tibialis anterior motor activity during sleep in mice, rats and humans.

Silvani, Alessandro, ; Martire, Viviana LO, ; Salvadè, Agnese, ; Bastianini, Stefano, ; Ferri, Raffaele, ; Berteotti, Chiara, ; Baracchi, Francesca, ; Pace, Marta, ; Bassetti, Claudio L, ; Zoccoli, Giovanna, ; Manconi, Mauro,
Physiological time structure of the tibialis anterior motor activity during sleep in mice, rats and humans. In Journal of Sleep Research, 24(6), 695–701.

Putting the periodicity back into the periodic leg movement index: an alternative data-driven algorithm for the computation of this index during sleep and wakefulness

Ferri, Raffaele, ; Rundo, Francesco, ; Zucconi, Marco, ; Manconi, Mauro, ; Arico', Debora, ; Bruni, Oliviero, ; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi, ; Fulda, Stephany,
Putting the periodicity back into the periodic leg movement index: an alternative data-driven algorithm for the computation of this index during sleep and wakefulness. In Sleep Medicine, 16, 1229–1235.


Stefan Clemens, Department of Physiology, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University

  • in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
United States of America

Agnese Salvadè, Experimental Laboratory (NSI, EOC), Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona

  • in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
  • Publication

Carlo Cereda, Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Lugano

  • Research Infrastructures

Stephen L. Leib, Neuroinfectious Diseases Laboratory, University of Bern

  • in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
  • Research Infrastructures

Francesca Baracchi, Departement Klinische Forschung, University of Bern

  • in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
  • Publication

Stefano Muzzarelli, Cardiocentro, Lugano

  • in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
  • Research Infrastructures

J. Carsten Möller, Clinical Trials Unit, Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Lugano

  • Research Infrastructures

Stephany Fulda, Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Lugano

  • in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
  • Research Infrastructures

Johannes Mathis, Department of Neurology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital & University of Bern

  • in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
  • Research Infrastructures
  • Exchange of personnel


The study helped our center to be recognized as the first Excellence Center of Restless legs syndrome in Switzerland, and the second in Europe. The certification is given by the International RLS Foundation


Public communication

The AutoREST STudy

Type: Media relations: print media, online media
, German-speaking Switzerland


Grant number
Funding scheme
Project funding
Projektförderung 2012 (01.04.2012)
Approved amount
276,500 CHF
Research institution
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale - EOC
Ospedale Regionale di Lugano

Output data