Molecular and radiocarbon sentinels of soil organic matter vulnerability
01.01.2013 – 31.01.2017
Scientific abstract
With the rapid pace of both land use and climate change, potential shifts in soil organic carbon (SOC) quantity and quality are a major concern. Swiss forest and grassland soils represent the nation’s largest carbon reservoir and hold enormous economic value. However, the vulnerability of Swiss forest and grassland SOC is not well characterized. In the frame of the NRP68, we propose to exploit 14C as a sensitive tracer of m...
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- Timothy Eglinton, Departement Erdwissenschaften ETH Zürich Focus Terra, Switzerland
- Xiajoung Feng, Departement Erdwissenschaften ETH Zürich Focus Terra, Switzerland
- Tessa Sophia van der Voort, Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe ETHZ, Switzerland
- Claudia Zell, Geologisches Institut ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Disciplines and keywords
mySNF disciplines (provided by researchers): Geochemistry, Other disciplines of Earth Sciences
Fields of research (mapped from mySNF Disciplines): Geochemistry, Earth Sciences
Keywords: Soil organic matter, soil vulnerability, molecular index of soil quality, climate change, land use change, Swiss soil 14C database, compound-specific radiocarbon, radiocarbon, soil carbon, database, Vulnerability indicators